免責事項 | Disclaimer





1, This site provides information on Japanese performers seeking an international audience and show organizers. With this in mind, we cannot ultimately take responsibility for any problems, troubles, and damages caused directly or indirectly by the use of contents and information posted on the websites of overseas event organizers and show organizers.

2,This site is not involved in the management of Internet media such as third party websites that are using our service.

3,Even if loss or damage to other users occurs due to illegal or inappropriate behavior by people using this service, we are unable to assume complete responsibility for such loss or damage.

4, We can not assume any responsibility for incidents, accidents, losses, or damage caused concerning the actual performance with the overseas organizer.


 第1条 (総則)| Section 1 (General Rules)

1,本規約は、株式会社 ハレルヤ・イズム(以下、「弊社」といいます。)が「JAPAN PERFORMER.navi」の名称を付したWEBサイト(以下総称して、「本サイト」といいます。)に関する利用条件等を定めるものです。本サイトを利用される方(以下、「利用者」といいます。)は本規約を順守する必要があり、本サイトを利用した時点で本規約及び免責事項に同意したものとみなされます。



1,This contract establishes the terms of use, etc. of "hareruya-izm Co.,Ltd" (further referred to as "our firm") under the website name of "JAPAN PERFORMER.navi" (further referred to as "this site.") Those who use this site (further referred to as "users") must agree to these terms and are presumed to have read the terms of use at the time of using this site.

2,Our firm may regulate privacy policies, guidelines, notes, instructions and other provisions regarding this site. In such cases, these provisions shall constitute a part of this agreement, and in the event of any inconsistencies between these terms and regulations, the updated regulations will take priority. (These terms and regulations will be further referred to collectively as "this agreement.")

3,Our firm can revise this agreement without prior notice to the user. Also, if you use this site after we have reviewed the agreement, we will assume that you have agreed to the revised terms.

 第2条 (自己責任の原則)| Section 2(Self Responsibility Rules)

本サイトは主として海外のイベント及びショーのオーガナイザーに向け、日本人パフォーマーの情報を提供するものであり、弊社は本サイトを通じて利用者に提供される情報、リンク先の情報、広告の内容等についてその真実性、正確性、有用性、特定の目的への適合性、適法性を含め、何らの保証をするものではありません。 各情報の真実性、正確性、有用性、特定の目的への適合性、適法性は情報提供元である、パフォーマー登録者の情報提供者に委ねられています。 よって弊社はこれらの情報を原因として利用者に生じた損害についてその責を負うものではございません。

This site mainly provides information on Japanese performers for overseas events and show organizers. Our firm does not guarantee the protection of truthfulness, accuracy, usefulness, conformity to a particular purpose, legitimacy of information provided to users through this site, information on linked sites, and the contents of advertisements.
The truthfulness, accuracy, usefulness, conformity to a particular purpose, and the legitimacy of all information is entrusted to the information provider of the registered performer.
Therefore, our firm cannot claim responsibility for damage caused by this information.

 第3条 (広告)| Section 3 (Advertising)



1.Our firm reserves the right to list third party advertisements on our website.

2. The contents, designs, products subject to advertising, advertisers, and other matters concerning advertisements shall be determined at our firm's discretion.

 第4条(著作権等の帰属について)| Section 4(Copyright and Ownership)


This site is protected by the copyright laws and copyright treaties of Japan and related countries, and other intellectual property rights laws and treaties.
Under our agreement, you are licensed only nonexclusive, nonassignable use rights on this site. You cannot acquire any ownership, copyrights, or any other rights to property or duplicates of property on this site.
You must acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights including copyrights, patents and trademark rights relating to this site or its duplicates (including programs, images, movies, documents) are the property of our firm.
Users respect the copyrights on this site and shall use this in regulation with the Universal Copyright Convention, the copyright laws of each country, the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and other related laws.

 第5条(利用環境)| Section 5 (Usage Environment)

1. 本サイトの使用にあたり、機器及び通信環境の取得・維持等の本サイトを利用可能な状態にするために必要な環境はユーザーが用意するものとし、それにかかる一切の費用はユーザーが負担するものとします。

2. 利用者は、関係官庁等が提供する情報を参考にして、自己の利用環境に応じ、コンピュータ・ウィルスの感染、不正アクセスおよび情報漏洩の防止等セキュリティを最新の状態を保持するものとします。

1. In using this site, the user accepts responsibility for all expenses related to preparing the necessary equipment and communication environment to make this site available for acquisition and maintenance.

2. In regulation with information provided by the relevant government agencies, the user must agree to keep their security updated to prevent computer viruses, unathorized data access, and leaking information.

 第6条(本サイトの変更、中断)| Section 6(Site Changes and Interruptions)





1. Our firm can make changes to this site without prior notice to the user.

2. In the events that maintenance is required on the system we use to provide this site (further referred to as "the system"), there is too much activity on the system, our firm decides that there is a problem in management, there is reason to protect the security of our users, or in any other situation where we deem it necessary, we will take the required measures to interrupt or suspend an area or the entirety of our site.

3. Our firm can terminate the provision of this site after notifying the user one month in advance.

4. We assume no responsibility for damage or disadvantage caused to users due to events such as change, suspension, or termination, of this site based on the previous clause.

 第7条(禁止事項等)| Section 7(Prohibited Items)








1. By using this service, the user must agree not to perform any of the following acts.

 (1) Obstructing the business of our company or the operation of this service, such as putting an excessive burden on the server and the network system.

 (2) Preventing another user from using this service, such as hindering user access.

 (3) Infringing the honor, credit, privacy, intellectual property rights, portrait rights and publicity rights of our company or third companies.

 (4) Providing profit directly or indirectly to anti social influences relating to our service.

 (5) Violating the Japanese laws or the laws of the country or region where the user is located.

2. We will take appropriate action to compensate any damage caused to our company as a result of the user performing any of the acts described in the previous paragraph.

 第8条(本サービスなどの再利用の禁止)| Section 8(Prohibition of Repurposing our Services)


If you use our services and the data that constitute them for more than their original intention of purpose, we reserve the right to stop these acts and also the right to request compensation for the amount profited while inappropriately using our services.

 第9条 (雑則)| Section 9 (Other Rules)


2.本サイトに関連して訴訟の必要が生じた場合には、日本法に準拠するものとし、日本国 東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。


1. These terms have been constructed based on the laws of Japan.

2. In the event of the need for a lawsuit concerning this site, we shall comply with Japanese law and make Tokyo District Court of Japan the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first hearing.

3. Even when the provisions of some of these terms are invalidated by judicial judgment or the enactment, amendment or abolition of laws and ordinances, all other sections shall be changed or interpreted to maximize the realization of the intent of the original provision and shall have no effect on the fundamental validity of this agreement.


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