JAPAN PERFORMER.navi(以下「当サイト」といいます)は、当ウエブサイト又はモバイルアプリケーションを介して、世界の「イベント、ショーオーガナイザー」と「世界で活動したい日本のパフォーマー」のマッチング・ポータルサイトであり、海外オーガナイザーと日本人パフォーマーの直接的な関係の構築を支援するプラットフォームを運営しています。 また、マッチングの他にも、日本人パフォーマーに同行しショーの演出やショーサービスも提供しております。
  当サイトの運営上、知りえた個人情報及び当サイトの業務遂行上、利用者から提供を受けた個人情報については日本国における個人情報保護法、その他関連法令をを順守し、公平性・機密性・正確性を保持するよう努めます。なお、本プライバシーポリシーの 内容は、法令の制定・改正、当社サービス内容の変更等に予告なく変更する場合があります。

JAPAN PERFORMER.navi (further referred to as "this site") is an online portal that uses this website or mobile application as a means to connect worldwide "events and organizers" with "Japanese performers seeking an international audience." We are a platform that supports the establishment of a direct relationship between overseas organizers and Japanese performers. In addition to connecting people, we also offer services such as accompanying Japanese performers and assisting them with show production and show service.
Any operational information obtained, including personal information, and any information provided by the user in carrying out the work of our site will be protected with fairness, confidentiality, and accuracy, under our compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law and any other related laws and regulations in Japan. The contents of this privacy policy may change without prior notice due to a change of our service contents or enactment/amendment of laws and regulations.

 情報集約 | Information Collection


If an event or event sponsor requests for information used to carry out our duties, we call this site's user data or user group data our "information collection."

 データ管理者 | Data Administrator


"Data administrator" is what we call this website, the company which is responsible for the use and management of personal information.

 個人情報 | Personal Information

"Personal information" is the information that our data administrators possess or can access to identify a particular individual.

 当サイトが取得する利用者に関する情報の種類 | The Types of User Information Acquired by this Site.


Our customer's company name, corporate name, address, the name of the person in charge, telephone number, and contact details such as an email address.
Also, any information regarding clients overseas organizers is also required.
Finally, in addition to any information collected from contract signing and payment processes, we also gather information from various other services we offer.

 情報収集の方法 | Ways We Gather Information


We collect data from the forms that our customers have filled in and also by phone, FAX, email, written documents, or other means of communication.

 第三者への情報提供、利用について | Using and Providing Information for Third Parties


On this site, we only disclose user information in the following cases.
• When this site considers it necessary for the execution of our business and has user permission.
• In the event of a dispute, or if information disclosure is requested to uphold laws and regulations.
• In the case of providing information to organizers of events, or clients related to our business.

 個人情報の管理について | Management of Personal Information


This site takes the necessary and appropriate measures for the management of personal information to avoid things such as leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

You will be able to preview all of our performers.
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